In that order...
Ladies and gentlemen let me just say to you all that, much to your disheartened feelings over Marvel's "loss", Disney is its own entity. Sure it has Pixar and that company whores itself out to make academy-award-nominated-and/or-winning movies, but that's a different topic for another monday.
Disney is an innovator. So was Walt! Although, apparently, now we all think he's an anti-semetic asshole. Honestly, in all my years of growing up and watching Disney movies and shows, I've never seen any anti-semetic comments, characters (or even Jewish characters... except for Timon's mom in Lion King 1/2, funny film.) or any other references along those topics. And if leaving out a jewish character is our way of calling someone anti-semite, then we have a LOT of growing up to do. It's like calling a dude who wears a pink shirt gay, when really he's a hetero-metrosexual. Think about it.
Also this may have been some rumor, so before you go around saying anything, be sure you look beyond wikipedia (where I believe the source of this outrage started) and get a life. Look at all the films he's done! Look at the stuff he's created to make the film/cartoon/animation industry! I gotta say, without Snow White being the first full-length animated movie and Mickey Mouse not being a household name... I think we might have been overpowered by some other force of evil rather than 3-foot talking mouse named Mickey. Think about that too!
As for Disney buying out Marvel. I'm tired of people saying "Wah wah wah, Marvel's gonna be gayed up by Disney, boo hoo hoo..." Hogwash! First of all I resent that remark. Disney is a business, a movie making business, but nonetheless a business. So is Marvel. If Marvel could stand on its own, it would've rejected the $4 bill and give the big F. U. But it didn't. Maybe the movies it recently made, weren't so good... I mean they came out before or after (i'm not sure) Watchmen. Tell me if I'm wrong but wasn't Watchmen made by a different company? Either way it is a BUSINESS!
As I've said before Disney is its own company... in fact it's got part marks with distributing company Buena Vista. Marvel will still be Marvel. Anything it does will have to be probably okayed with Disney, or Disney might want to corner the boys in the industry. Disney has been known to be girly, not gay, folks. On second thought, maybe both. That was the intention. It'll still be there, I think everyone's just upset that Disney (known as the "lamest" movie-makers which I find a pile of steaming crap!) totally one upped one of the "coolest" companies ever Marvel.
And my last comment for the day... Who the hell came up with "Put in 110%"?! What the fu-hell is that supposed to mean? Go above and beyond? Sure, but we're only 80% water and the rest is just junk we don't use! And we're supposed to give 110% a day to live a healthier, longer life... When really there are sick, fat, and old people not giving 110%, So we're unmotivated to give 110% but we gotta anyway! I think the limit should be, as it should be, 100%. It just hit me. Could be that I'm waking up but it just totally hit me out of left field. If you think you're giving 110%, like I thought I was giving 110%, think again.
3rd world countries don't have what we have. They're doing the best they can to live and they don't worry about giving it 110% because they already ARE giving 110% to live and keep their family alive. If they were like us, there would be no commercials with sad looking kids at Christmas! And they deal with stress, while we take a Valium or a Xanax and that dulls it for 6 hours, and we have to take another one!
I say if you want to give 110%, get up off your ass, get rid of Dr. Xanax and go for a walk! If you are worried about your 110% you shouldn't be! It might mean you're OCD, go to a doctor they'll tell you the same thing! I could list things, but I don't know where to start, the list is so long!
What better advice to follow than you're own, you're probably saying. Well! I will, in fact, I'll go downtown and have fun, just to spite you all! Haha! I joke.
This is your cranky drag queen saying, until next time!