It was soon to be an experience I would never forget. I was so scared and excited that I really was bouncing off of the walls due to the lack of sleep I had from the night before. The first day I stepped on stage in drag should have been the most exhillirating day of my life.
I couldn't have been more wrong.
I arrived at the club, early. Unbeknownst to me, my drag-mother (the one who would do my make-up) was late. It left little time for me and her to prepare, luckily my song was ready and well rehearsed.
During the make-up session, I recieved a lot of worldly, expert advice from the best of the best. She was by far one of the best but probably around the same age, if not older than I was. I still remember the words of wisdom amoungst the campy and happy-go-lucky laughter we shared.
I had three costume piecess on, to be removed during the number, at least two layers of facial foundation and make up caked on my face, and heels I had only recently just broken into and had twisted my ankle in the porcess. I also had a wig on... backstage i looked like I was panicking but really I was sweating my tits off.
The number I did was an unknown, but catchy enough for a club. Sarah Brightman and Chris Thompson's How Can Heaven Love Me was a fun number. It was better when I tore the final piece of my costume off of my body at the highest note that Sarah sings in the song. I had a good reception from the crowd and I recieved a good, hearty round of applause.
I was to return the following week.
I couldn't have been more wrong.
I arrived at the club, early. Unbeknownst to me, my drag-mother (the one who would do my make-up) was late. It left little time for me and her to prepare, luckily my song was ready and well rehearsed.
During the make-up session, I recieved a lot of worldly, expert advice from the best of the best. She was by far one of the best but probably around the same age, if not older than I was. I still remember the words of wisdom amoungst the campy and happy-go-lucky laughter we shared.
I had three costume piecess on, to be removed during the number, at least two layers of facial foundation and make up caked on my face, and heels I had only recently just broken into and had twisted my ankle in the porcess. I also had a wig on... backstage i looked like I was panicking but really I was sweating my tits off.
The number I did was an unknown, but catchy enough for a club. Sarah Brightman and Chris Thompson's How Can Heaven Love Me was a fun number. It was better when I tore the final piece of my costume off of my body at the highest note that Sarah sings in the song. I had a good reception from the crowd and I recieved a good, hearty round of applause.
I was to return the following week.
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