So today I was inspired to do a retrospective look at the wigs in my life. Being a drag queen I take pride in all of my wigs, as they are all a part of my life in different aspects of my personality.

As the picture says this is a picture where I put my face in a Jefree Starr pic. I like pink on my skintone. A friend of mine said that my skin has too much red pigment in it to wear any red or pink... how little she knows now.

This is actually my natural hair. It's probably the best look since removing my wig. This was from my closing number at a friend's place where I did a small show. It was fun, and th wig i had on started to bug me, so before when I had originally planned to remove it, I took it off and this is the look I had. I like this look and only wish I could replicate it.

Another FaceinHole picture but from Zorro. I like this picture because it is an adorable way for me to own a corset that I would otherwise never have in my lifetime... but then again I'm only 20, life has only just begun.

This is one interesting pic because I just found it and liked it. I forgot I had it. I love my face, I love my eyes, I love my lips and for the first time I love my nose in this picture. In fact I like everythin about this picture. This was probably the first day I had this wig because it does not look crazy or tangled or messed up. This was from haloween last year when i couldn't go to a musical theatre mid-term show because I took too long doing make up. That'll learn me.

This is my cher wig. Everyone needs a big 80's 90's look to make a statement. In this picture my statement is "Whatchyoulookinat,bitch?!"

This is one of my more photogenic wigs. It's called "Sandy" but I like to call it my "Big Lucy" wig. Whenever I want to feel like a larger than life Lucille Ball circa 1960 I throw this one on and do my best "EEEEEEEW!" face. I've performed with this one many times in intimate settings, and at my second appearance at a club downtown. She's a curly wig and this is one of my best photos of her being her curliest.

This is one of the more human haired wigs I recently bought (on sale). The photo was taken at a very recent drag show a friends place. I believe the song I was doing here was "How Can Heaven Love Me" or "Fleurs du Mal" both by Sarah Brightman. i like this wig because it's the most realistic, the newest and easier to maintain. The dress is gorgeous but believe it or not was a marked down haloween costume from the Superstore. Takes the value out of it but it works for me. This wig though comes with short curls in the front for bangs and hangs gorgeously over my shoulders.

This is my Bette Paige wig. I love the blunt cut bangs and the way is just hangs. It also works for Morticia Addams which I have yet to do for haloween and should attempt. Not much more that I like to say about this wig.

You might recognize this wig from the main image of my profile and this blog. This is a wig I have in two colors. This one which is in Strawberry Blond, and another I have in black. Both work for a romantic, windswept and/or gothic look. This picture is one of my favorites (although all are my favorites of course). These wigs come with a imitation skin center part which you can move to the sides for a trendy look. The wig is fun and despite all the frizz it has now, it does not require brushing.

This is my first wig I ever owned. I call it my Jem wig because, in this picture, I was attempting an 80's hair band look... it failed. This wig comes with bangs but is the most synthetic of my synthentic hair. It looks good in photos of course but that's how it is.
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