Confessions of a Drag Queen
Saturday, February 26, 2011
So clearly I'm upset, as you can probably tell from my last post. Since honesty is my best policy and I really could care less who reads this right now, as I know only three of you who are out there, probably NOT reading it ANYWAY (especially cuz we're friends, we just share things.)
Here goes. Today I was excited because I was going on a date. Emphasis on was. I got up early enough to do some cleaning which has only just gotten messier, I still need to fold my laundry and I have to call in for work. That's right I'm working now! YAY!
My date unfortunately canceled. I'm not mad at him (well kinda) and I'm severely disappointed in myself. I have high expectations. I also fear the worst. I don't know from whom I get this in my family but I do get it from someone. He had told me there was a party the other night and I hope he had fun, because my evening sucked up the ass in the worst way possible. More on that later.
It could be that I'm obssessing but I'm hurt and I'm afraid I might be bothering him and his massive hang over by trying to get in touch with him to arrange for something the next day. I'm afraid of pushing him away and actually, I'm afraid he won't like me. I, I, I, I, I...
The other night I went out for a little dinner and fun with another fellow. He was nice, he was a gentleman and it was clear what he wanted... it was more than a dinner. We finish go back to his place fool around until shirts and pants came off and we were on his floor so close to actual sex it was kinda hot... for about half an hour. Then I wanted to leave. I hadn't even finished yet and already I wanted to leave. He asked why and being the person that I am I clamed up, I told him I didn't know.
Have you ever been in a situation where the truth is completely superficial, but the fact that he's paid for dinner, and pushed on you to pick out a dessert when really you could covered your own check and gotten a frosty at Wendy's, and everything he's done and doing is scaring you!? That's what that was. I couldn't put my finger on it last night, but I've had time. I REALLY can't stand chivalry, and he's everything to do with it! Romantic, charming, heaping wallet of cash, French... oh yeah! He's knight in shining armor without the noble steed and I HATE that!
What is wrong with me?
How to Lose your head over a man:
1. Show up early. Nothing gets your emotional cycle going like showing up early and then getting the dreaded news.
2. Follow through. Doing the activity which could be but is not limited to: having dinner, going walking, have coffee, bookstore hopping etc.
3. Hyperventilating!
4. txting him "It's okay if you're late." then several different messages later you finally hit on the idea that he's not going to show up. BUMMER!!!
5. Taking the long way home (see 3)
6. You consider several options such as hunting him down, committing suicide, dumpster diving (?) removal from life (but that would hurt too much and you kinda wanna give the dope a second chance.) and the list goes on.
I'm sure this page makes no sense to you whatsoever, but I needed to get this out into the world. I'm sorry. I'm going to climb into my bed, scream into my pillow and try and regain some sobriety back.
Pasta for dinner.
Friday, June 25, 2010
I challenge everyone to find what is important to them and make a video. I did it on imagination.
It's one of the most important things for me because it's the one thing for me to use to create new things. With imagination we can all do wonderful things.
For instance we can create totally new worlds, creatures nobody has seen, a whole new breed of animal or class or race of human, and even tell amazing stories. The possibilities are endless. Without it we wouldn't have the amazing and even simplest things we have now: the indoor light, indoor plumbing, elevators, airplanes, electricity, cars, nor would we even consider life on other planets without it.
Imagine the things you can create, do, see, and be. Imagine the people you could meet. Imagine how many worlds there really are. This is what makes life worth living and exciting. Have your own adventures and invite your friends.
Have you imagined yet?
Friday, June 18, 2010
One Week

Wigs: a few good looks in review

You might recognize this wig from the main image of my profile and this blog. This is a wig I have in two colors. This one which is in Strawberry Blond, and another I have in black. Both work for a romantic, windswept and/or gothic look. This picture is one of my favorites (although all are my favorites of course). These wigs come with a imitation skin center part which you can move to the sides for a trendy look. The wig is fun and despite all the frizz it has now, it does not require brushing.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Drag Event part 2

Drag Event part 1

I couldn't have been more wrong.
I arrived at the club, early. Unbeknownst to me, my drag-mother (the one who would do my make-up) was late. It left little time for me and her to prepare, luckily my song was ready and well rehearsed.
During the make-up session, I recieved a lot of worldly, expert advice from the best of the best. She was by far one of the best but probably around the same age, if not older than I was. I still remember the words of wisdom amoungst the campy and happy-go-lucky laughter we shared.
I had three costume piecess on, to be removed during the number, at least two layers of facial foundation and make up caked on my face, and heels I had only recently just broken into and had twisted my ankle in the porcess. I also had a wig on... backstage i looked like I was panicking but really I was sweating my tits off.
The number I did was an unknown, but catchy enough for a club. Sarah Brightman and Chris Thompson's How Can Heaven Love Me was a fun number. It was better when I tore the final piece of my costume off of my body at the highest note that Sarah sings in the song. I had a good reception from the crowd and I recieved a good, hearty round of applause.
I was to return the following week.