Saturday, April 10, 2010

Vagina Monlogues

Every year I see them, and every year I'm never disappointed!

Vag Mons are happing this tuesday April 13 at 8pm in Capilano University's PAT theatre!
This show is for those who have vaginas, are vagina lovers, and those with vagina envy (I know you're out there!!!)

Directed by the beautiful Kristi Tayelor the show features plenty monologues that range from hillarious to heartwarming to horrifying. Vag facts are sprinkled in making this not only one of the most highly-anticipated entertaining shows, but one of the most highly-anticipated educational shows. It will inspire YOU [yes you] to make a positive change.

Tickets are available from the cast and are only a paltry $10 if you're a student like me, otherwise $20. All proceeds go to WAVAW (Women Against Violence Against Women) and V-Day for the Spotlight Campaign!

Vagina monologues are once a year/once in a lifetime show. SO DON'T MISS IT!

Capilano University PAT Theatre, Tuesday 13 April, 8pm, $10/$20. BE there!

Until next time!

Glee [and why I'm going to miss it]

So Glee returns to the airwaves in under two days and all I'm going to see is... NONE of it.
Reasons why: (and they all suck)
5. I'm a volunteer usher in the Vagina Monologues
4. I want to see the Vagina Monologues, even though they happen only once a year but they're always pretty good, even though I would also rather see a musical theatre set of five...
3. I'm a theatre student and I need to be fed regularily
2. I'm a theatre student and I need to sleep regularily
1. I probably won't get any freetime because all of my projects are due AND I'm a theater student!
ANYWAY! until next time... new pics today, check it out!

Friday, April 9, 2010

What is wrong with this sentence.

So I was invited to join this Facebook group: HOW TO APPROACH ACTING... the sad thing is I know the solution... go to acting school!!!

This is what I found under "recent news":

This group is put on by " name removedProductions" Presents - (HOW TO APPROCH ACTING!) a online group to support, actors and there knowledge of acting and willing-ness to learn.

several things come to mind when reading this.

1. I know who this idiot is...

2. if i wanted to join a support group I wouldn't rely on facebook...

3. twitter has better spelling than this moron

4. use of a comma in the middle of sentence does not a sentence make.

5. willingness is spelt without a hifen.

I suggest the person who wrote this to get a dictionary and write properly. The sad thing is I joined is BECAUSE I have a "willing-ness" to learn so therefore I will, keep with this and hopefully not pick up any bad writing habits as this is a acting thing. ANYWAY!

Until next time...