Sunday, October 18, 2009

Interview with my personalities 1

Interview with my personalities. A time where I sit down and ask questions to my other selves.

Today I shall interview: Cranky Bitch and Miss Perfect

Danni: Hey, there CB, how are you today?

Cranky Bitch Danni: Jump off a muther fucking cliff! I'm fine, what's it to you?

D: Well, just wanting to ask you a few questions.

CBD: I'm not in the fucking mood!

D: Too bad! What do you usually do on your weekends?

CBD: ...I'm called Cranky Bitch, what do you THINK I do?

D: Point taken. What do you usually like to wear?

CBD: Whatever the hell I want to wear and nobody's gonna tell me what to wear.

D: You seem cranky about something, CB.

CBD: Thank you, Captain Obvious! I'm always cranky about something! If it isn't my ex-boyfriend not talking to me at all these days, it's the fact that I'm not getting any, or the guys that I meet are complete and utter whores who'd rather i touch their privates so they can feel fucking alive again! So don't you DARE tell me that I'm cranky about something, when obviously I AM cranky about something!

D: When do you usually like to come out.

CBD: Meh, whenever I'm the mood.

D: How does now sound?

CBD: I just ranted and I'm booked up with meeting Sarcasm for a while. Take a number.

D: Speaking of Sarcasm, are you friends with any other personalities?

CBD: Oh yeah, yeah. I'm buds with Sarcasm... I like to have tea with Diva and Queen of the Universe. I play pranks on Goody Goody with Impster. And I like to trade stories with Whine'n' Cheeze once in a while. She whines way to much. and Hopping Mad, Insanity, and Angry Horny and me like to hang out once in a while. Phony PMS is fun, but she doesn't show up nowadays. I think she went and commited suicide.

D: What do you think about Miss Perfect?

CBD: She always pisses me off. S'cuse me I got a headache, and I have better things to do. (leaves.)

D: O_O

Miss Perfect: Oh my goodness. May I help you?

D: Cranky Bitch didn't finish the interview.

MP: Oh my word! That is perfectly horrible! Here let us finish this interview on a perfect note.

D: Well, Miss Perfect. Tell me, who are you're friends?

MP: I enjoy spending time with Lil' Miss Princess, Madam Imagination, FrouFrou, and Diva on her good days.

D: What are your thoughts on a few people who aren't your friends.

MP: I only have a bad opinion on Mama Organizer (my mother) and Ms. Sloppy (my sister). Mamma likes to keep things in order and arrange everything while Sloppy likes to make a mess of everything. She never cleans up after herself and I think they are both perfectly horrid!

D: I think I hit a nerve.

MP: No, no, I'm perfectly fine.

D: What makes you unique?

MP: Well, I like to have everything perfect. My hair must be in order, my outfit must suit my liking and the man i meet must be charming, well groomed and funny...

D: Kinda anal, aren't you?

MP: It's what makes me perfectly unique my dear! Well I must run, I have to clean my room to perfection before my boyfriend arrives.

D: Oh, who is he?

MP: Butch.

Until next time...

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