Sunday, November 15, 2009

What's it all about?

Recently I found an audition and wanted to be in the show. Unfortunately my school admins won't allow me since I'm "under contract" to the program during the school year and can't make it to many of the auditions.

So this weekend was supposed to be dedicated to finding a song for that audition. After reading the unfortunate email, I suddenly felt really upset and felt that this weekend was actaully in vain, which it was. It's just depressing, that it was a show that I found on my own that I was so excited to audition for, now I feel I've waisted people's time and energy just to slot me in and I've had to send in an email to decline sending me a time.

On top of that, I waisted my weekend where I could have worked on things, like Dracula that's going on in December this year! I feel like my head is going to just collapse.

Another reason is also this show is first of all Nine... also the soon-to-be-released movie this winter... and its practically an all female cast. Now I know I'm not a well-known or even a very good female impersonator, but I feel I don't think I'll be given a shot. Unless I go about it on my own... or get sex change/hormone replacement treatment.

Desperate times call for desperate measures. But I think I'll wait a few days and cheer up before I do anything drastic to myself or cause any kind of self mutiliation. For now it's all meditation rather than jumping ahead... that and I'm a bit of a wuss when it comes to pain...

I guess in a world where everyone is supposed to do what their gender dictates it's normal. Society is so stifling on the creative mind. The true people who want to change are pushed back into the darkness when other cultures are trecking through to the future. It's sad, I think. One day there will be people who are both genders... oh wait, that's today.

Where some people are born with both genders and that someone's parents have the bright idea to decide their gender right then and there when they have no clue what they are. The only thing that matters is that their baby is a freak. And a person to have both genders on is looked upon as a sideshow rather than a human being when it's really nobody's business. No wonder we have so many transgendered people nowadays. At least that's a good thing. At least we recognize these people for who they really are. It's better than teen suicide which is right up anyone's alley when given the chance.

And what about that double-endowed baby in the first place? What is genital mutilation but the removal or damage to the genitals? And we North American's call ourselves civilized. Yes we'll accept certain things from certain cultures, but we frown upon the things that we ourselves commit. We are also willing to disconnect conjoined twins as well... even if it may cause permanent damage to them?

What's it all about?

This was a toughie, folks, but I hope it wasn't a prechy pill to swallow. Until next time...

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