Sunday, August 23, 2009

Letter to God

Dear God,

It's been a long time since I've written you. All is well. I don't need to tell you that, you kinda peek into my life from time to time seeing what kind of shenanigans I'm up to. Lately I've been kinda weird. I'm happy, but it doesn't feel joyful. Okay, if it's common sense that I don't feel joyful because I'm not joyful makes sense. I'm happy, I should feel happy. Not joyful. I'm asking you because (somehow) you made us, and we made words and languages and stuff. Maybe I should be asking the dictionary instead, beacaue we made that too. Also, I've been thinking, maybe I'm not meant to be happy. I coulda had a very happy past life. Don't worry, God, I know you're a Bhuddist, and therefore you believe in reincarnation. Although, you're kinda in charge of that... don't worry about that, though, your secret is safe with me. But I was thinking that I've learned lots up till now. Don't you think I should be happy?
I haven't believed in you in... pretty much... most of my life. I'm okay with that. Bible pushers aren't. Hell, I have a Bible, good book by the way, but the author quoted you a lot. I hope you don't regret anything you said. A lot of shits happend since the book came out. I think they're making a movie. They made a musical and movie about your sweet son Jesus, by the way. That reminds me, I saw him last night. He said "Boo." He really needs a life, or to get laid.
Another thing God, why did you choose now to put a black man on the presidential position? You coulda done that whenever you wanted to, but you chose now... Why? I'm curious. Anyway, hope i didn't impose. I know you have a million and one prayers or more to deal with... that and the wife and kid, I'm pretty sure. Talk to you soon.

All the best,

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